Source code for dhtmlparser3.tags.tag

import html
import copy
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Union
from typing import Iterator

from dhtmlparser3.quoter import escape
from dhtmlparser3.specialdict import SpecialDict
from dhtmlparser3.tags.comment import Comment

[docs]class Tag: """ Attributes: name (str): Name of the parsed tag. parameters (SpecialDict): Dictionary for the parameters. content (list): List of sub-elements. parent (Tag): Reference to parent element. """ _DICT_INSTANCE = SpecialDict _DONT_ESCAPE = {"style", "script"} _DONT_FORMAT = {"pre", "style", "script"} def __init__(self, name, parameters=None, content=None, is_non_pair=False): = name if parameters is None: self.parameters = self._DICT_INSTANCE() elif isinstance(parameters, dict): self.parameters = self._DICT_INSTANCE(parameters) else: self.parameters = parameters self.content = content if content is not None else [] self.is_non_pair = is_non_pair self.parent = None self._wfind_only_on_content = False @property def p(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Shortcut for .parameters, used extensively in tests. """ return self.parameters @property def c(self): """ Shortcut for .content, used extensively in tests. """ return self.content @property def tags(self) -> List["Tag"]: """ Same as .c, but returns only tag instances. Useful for ignoring whitespace and comment clutter and iterating over the real dom structure. """ return [x for x in self.content if isinstance(x, Tag)]
[docs] def content_without_tags(self) -> str: """ Return content but remove all tags. This is sometimes useful for processing messy websites. """ output = "" for item in self.content: if isinstance(item, Tag): output += item.content_without_tags() elif isinstance(item, str): output += item return output
[docs] def remove(self, offending_item: Union[str, "Tag", Comment]) -> bool: """ Remove `offending_item` anywhere from the dom. Item is matched using `is` operator, so it better be something you've found using .find() or other relevant methods. Returns: bool: True if the item was found and removed. """ for item in self.content: if item is offending_item: self.remove_item(offending_item) return True if isinstance(item, Tag) and item.remove(offending_item): return True return False
[docs] def remove_item(self, item: Union[str, "Tag", Comment]): """ Remove the item from the .content property. """ if isinstance(item, str): self.content.remove(item) elif isinstance(item, Comment): self.content = [ x for x in self.content if not (isinstance(x, Comment) and x is item) ] elif isinstance(item, Tag): self.content = [ x for x in self.content if not (isinstance(x, Tag) and x is item) ] else: raise ValueError(f"Can't remove `{repr(item)}`")
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: """ Get HTML representation of the tag and the content. """ output = self.tag_to_str() escape_fn = html.escape if in self._DONT_ESCAPE: escape_fn = lambda x: x for item in self.content: if isinstance(item, str): output += escape_fn(item) else: output += item.to_string() if and not self.is_non_pair: return f"{output}</{}>" return output
[docs] def tag_to_str(self) -> str: """ Convert just the tag with parameters to string, without content. """ if not return "" if self.is_non_pair: return f"<{}{self._parameters_to_str()} />" return f"<{}{self._parameters_to_str()}>"
def _parameters_to_str(self) -> str: if not self.parameters: return "" parameters = [] for key, value in self.parameters.items(): if value: parameters.append(f'{key}="{escape(str(value))}"') else: parameters.append(f"{key}") return " " + " ".join(parameters)
[docs] def content_str(self, escape=False) -> str: """ Return everything in between the tags as string. Args: escape (bool): Escape the content. Default False. """ output = "" for item in self.content: if isinstance(item, str): if escape: output += html.escape(item) else: output += item else: output += item.to_string() return output
[docs] def replace_with(self, item: "Tag", keep_content: bool = False): """ Replace this Tag with another `item`. Args: item (Tag, str): Item to replace this with. keep_content (bool): Keep the original content. Default `False`. """ if isinstance(item, str): unused_root_element = ( == "" and len(self.parent.content) == 1 ) if self.parent and not unused_root_element: self_index = self.parent.content.index(self) self.parent.content[self_index] = item else: = "" self.parameters.clear() self.is_non_pair = True self.content = [item] elif isinstance(item, Tag): = self.parameters = item.parameters.copy() if not keep_content: self.content = item.content[:] self.is_non_pair = item.is_non_pair self._wfind_only_on_content = item._wfind_only_on_content else: raise TypeError(f"Can't replace `item` with `{item.__class__}`!")
[docs] def wfind(self, name, p=None, fn=None, case_sensitive=False): container = Tag(name="") container._wfind_only_on_content = True # in the first iteration, just do regular find if not self._wfind_only_on_content: container.content = self.find(name, p, fn, case_sensitive) return container # in the subsequent iterations, perform the matching on the sub-tags sub_tags = (item.content for item in self.content) for item in sum(sub_tags, []): # flattern the list if isinstance(item, Tag): if item._is_almost_equal(name, p, fn, case_sensitive): container.content.append(item) return container
[docs] def match(self, *args): """ Recursively call `find` for each element in `*args`. That means fuzzy matching, like "find all `<div>`s, which have this `<p>` element, which has this `<a>` in it. Example: dom.match("div", ["p", {"class": "great"}], "a") Args: *args (list): List of paths to match. Returns: list: List of matched elements. """ item = self args = list(args) arg = args.pop(0) matched = self._call_find(arg) if not args: return matched next_matched = [] while args: arg = args.pop(0) for item in matched: next_matched.extend(item._call_find(arg)) matched = next_matched next_matched = [] return matched
def _call_find(self, arg): if isinstance(arg, dict): return self.find(**arg) elif isinstance(arg, list) or isinstance(arg, tuple): return self.find(*arg) else: return self.find(arg)
[docs] def match_paths(self, *args): """ Exactly match the path given by the arguments. Example: dom.match("body", ["div", {"class": "page-body"}], "p") This will match the path only if it really goes like this. If the `<p>` is for example wrapped in <div>, it won't be matched. Args: *args (list): List of paths to match. Returns: list: List of matched elements. """ item = self args = list(args) while args: arg = args.pop(0) item = item._call_wfind(arg) return item.content
def _call_wfind(self, arg): if isinstance(arg, dict): return self.wfind(**arg) elif isinstance(arg, list) or isinstance(arg, tuple): return self.wfind(*arg) else: return self.wfind(arg)
[docs] def find(self, name, p=None, fn=None, case_sensitive=False) -> List["Tag"]: """ Find (depth first) all tags with given parameters. Args: name (str): Name of the tag you are looking for. Use `""` for all. p (dict): Parameters to match. fn (lambda fn): Lambda expecting one argument. It will be tested for each element in the tree. case_sensitive (bool): Use case sensitive search. Default `False`. """ return list(self.find_depth_first_iter(name, p, fn, case_sensitive))
[docs] def findb(self, name, p=None, fn=None, case_sensitive=False) -> List["Tag"]: """ Find (breadth first) all tags with given parameters. Args: name (str): Name of the tag you are looking for. Use `""` for all. p (dict): Parameters to match. fn (lambda fn): Lambda expecting one argument. It will be tested for each element in the tree. case_sensitive (bool): Use case sensitive search. Default `False`. """ return list(self.find_breadth_first_iter(name, p, fn, case_sensitive))
[docs] def find_depth_first_iter( self, name, p=None, fn=None, case_sensitive=False ) -> Iterator["Tag"]: for item in self.depth_first_iterator(tags_only=True): if item._is_almost_equal(name, p, fn, case_sensitive): yield item
[docs] def find_breadth_first_iter( self, name, p=None, fn=None, case_sensitive=False ) -> Iterator["Tag"]: for item in self.breadth_first_iterator(tags_only=True): if item._is_almost_equal(name, p, fn, case_sensitive): yield item
[docs] def depth_first_iterator( self, tags_only=False ) -> Iterator[Union["Tag", str, Comment]]: yield self for item in self.content: if isinstance(item, Tag): yield from item.depth_first_iterator(tags_only) elif not tags_only: yield item
[docs] def breadth_first_iterator( self, tags_only=False, _first_call=True ) -> Iterator[Union["Tag", str, Comment]]: if _first_call: yield self if tags_only: for item in self.content: if isinstance(item, Tag): yield item else: yield from self.content for item in self.content: if isinstance(item, Tag): yield from item.breadth_first_iterator(tags_only, False)
def _is_almost_equal( self, other_name: str, p: dict = None, fn=None, case_sensitive=False ) -> bool: tag_name = if not case_sensitive: tag_name = tag_name.lower() other_name = other_name.lower() if other_name and tag_name != other_name: return False if p is not None and not self._contains_parameters_subset(p): return False if fn is not None and not fn(self): return False return True def _contains_parameters_subset(self, parameter_subset): """ Test whether this Tag contains at least all `parameter_subset`, key and values, or more. Args: params (dict/SpecialDict): Subset of parameters. Returns: bool: True if it is contained. """ for key, val in parameter_subset.items(): if not self.parameters or key not in self.parameters: return False if val != self.parameters[key]: return False return True
[docs] def prettify(self, depth=0, dont_format=False) -> str: if == "": return self._just_prettify_the_content() tag = self.tag_to_str() indent = depth * " " if self.is_non_pair and not self.content: return f"{indent}{tag}\n" end_tag = "" if self.is_non_pair else f"</{}>" if not dont_format and in self._DONT_FORMAT: dont_format = True escape_fn = html.escape if in self._DONT_ESCAPE: escape_fn = lambda x: x content = "" for item in self.content: if isinstance(item, str): if dont_format or item.strip(): content += escape_fn(item) else: content += item.prettify(depth + 1, dont_format=dont_format) if dont_format: return f"{tag}{content}{end_tag}\n" is_multiline = sum(1 for x in content.strip() if x == "\n") > 1 if is_multiline: if content.endswith("\n"): return f"{indent}{tag}\n{content}{indent}{end_tag}\n" return f"{indent}{tag}\n{content}\n{indent}{end_tag}\n" if content.startswith(" ") and content.endswith("\n"): return f"{indent}{tag}\n{content}{indent}{end_tag}\n" return f"{indent}{tag}{content}{end_tag}\n"
def _just_prettify_the_content(self): outputs = [] escape_fn = html.escape if in self._DONT_ESCAPE: escape_fn = lambda x: x for item in self.content: if isinstance(item, str): if item.strip(): outputs.append(escape_fn(item)) else: outputs.append(item.prettify(0)) return "\n".join(outputs) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.to_string() def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: return self.to_string().encode("utf-8") def __repr__(self) -> str: parameters = ( f"{repr(}", f"parameters={repr(self.parameters)}", f"is_non_pair={self.is_non_pair}", ) if self._wfind_only_on_content: parameters = ('name=""', f"content={repr(self.content)}") return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({', '.join(parameters)})" def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Tag): return False if != return False if self.parameters != other.parameters: return False if self.is_non_pair != other.is_non_pair: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): rolling_hash = hash(self.tag_to_str()) for item in self.content: rolling_hash ^= hash(item) return rolling_hash def __bool__(self): return bool(self.content) def __len__(self): return len(self.tags) def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, str): return self.parameters[item] else: return self.tags[item] def __setitem__(self, key, value): if isinstance(key, str): self.parameters[key] = str(value) elif isinstance(key, slice): # used for inserting if key.start == -1: self.content.append(value) elif key.start == 0: self.content.insert(0, value) else: # use .tags as reference item = self.tags[key.start] index = self.content.index(item) self.content.insert(index, value) else: item = self.tags[key] index = self.content.index(item) self.content[index] = value if isinstance(value, Tag): value.parent = self def __contains__(self, item): if isinstance(item, str): return item in self.parameters else: return item in self.content def __delitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, str): del self.parameters[key] else: self.remove_item(self.tags[key]) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.tags) def __copy__(self): new_tag = Tag(, self.parameters.copy(), self.content, self.is_non_pair) new_tag._wfind_only_on_content = self._wfind_only_on_content new_tag.parent = self.parent return new_tag def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}): new_tag = Tag(, self.parameters.copy(), is_non_pair=self.is_non_pair) new_tag._wfind_only_on_content = self._wfind_only_on_content new_tag.content = [copy.deepcopy(x, memodict) for x in self.content] for item in new_tag.content: if isinstance(item, Tag): item.parent = new_tag return new_tag